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Mastering TypeScript with Marathon Interview Questions
Introduction & Setup (5:21)
Installing TypeScript Compiler (5:19)
TypeScript Fundamentals
Variables and Datatypes (8:35)
Primitive Datatype - Numbers (5:26)
Primitive Datatype - Boolean (2:48)
Primitive Datatype - Null, Undefined, Void (7:26)
Primitive Datatype - "any" (2:06)
Type Annotation & Inference (4:27)
Hoisting, Function Vs. Block Scope (8:11)
String (5:14)
Unicode Values (3:12)
Template Literal (4:41)
Type Aliases (3:15)
“never” Type (4:15)
TypeScript Compiler & Project Configuration
Watch Mode (4:10)
Watch mode TSC Config (8:38)
Setting the Compilation Target (2:55)
The “lib” option (5:40)
Setting Modules (5:26)
outDir - Output Directory (4:09)
The "outFile" option (4:36)
rootDir - Root Directory (3:20)
removeComments & noEmit (2:04)
Generating sourceMaps (6:02)
"inlineSources" (1:46)
Array & Tuple
Array Basics (8:23)
Tuple Basics (4:27)
Union Type (3:25)
Narrowing & type guards (4:15)
Array Manipulation (11:04)
map() Method (8:02)
reduce() and reduceRight() (8:56)
Multidimensional Array (5:32) and for...of traversal (2:15)
forEach() Traversal (2:51)
Array Searching Methods (10:13)
sort() method (9:08)
Array Destructuring (7:43)
Anonymous Functions (4:08)
Function Basics (6:57)
Arrow Function (4:44)
Default & optional parameters (5:21)
Rest Operator (5:26)
Function Types (6:52)
Function Overloading (2:58)
Enum Type (7:17)
Computed Enum (3:38)
Reverse Mapping (2:26)
const & ambient Enum (2:11)
Object Oriented TypeScript
Object Literal - Introduction (8:09)
Dynamic key & Method names (2:34)
Read-only property in object (3:07)
Object reference & clone creation (2:33)
thisObject (5:15)
Classes (12:00)
Inheritance (9:01)
Access Modifier (7:44)
Parameter Properties (3:38)
readonly Modifier (5:15)
Static Members (5:07)
Object Literal Destructuring (5:17)
Abstract Classes (4:06)
Class Accessors - getter & setter methods (3:28)
Interface (Object Types)
Class and Interface (5:39)
Interface Introduction (5:53)
Readonly Properties (2:18)
Interface Inheritance (2:52)
Generics Basics (9:09)
Multiple Type Variables (4:17)
Generic Constraints (3:13)
Generic Interfaces (5:38)
Generic Classes (3:27)
Modules & Typescript Namespaces
What is module? (7:16)
Named Export/Import (14:40)
Default Export/Import (6:45)
Typescript Modules (5:59)
Typescript Namespaces (7:31)
Introduction (2:40)
Class Decorators (5:29)
Method Decorators (7:42)
Accessor Decorators (5:12)
Class Factory (6:01)
Property Decorators (8:19)
Parameter Decorators (2:22)
Union Type
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