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Mastering Bun - The Modern Fullstack Development
Bun != Node-Introduction (4:00)
Installing Bun (1:44)
Creating project - bun init (3:15)
Understanding Project Structure (1:44)
Built-in Watch mode “bun --watch” Goodbye! Nodemon (2:43)
Bun --hot & watch Vs. hot (4:22)
Working with Modules
Code basics - function creation (4:49)
Module creation, export & import (2:40)
Multiple modules export & import (2:11)
Different ways of Import Paths (2:01)
Default and named import export (3:15)
CommonJS Vs ESM (2:59)
TypeScript Fundamentals
Variables and Datatypes (6:59)
Primitive Datatype- Numbers (4:24)
Primitive Datatype - Boolean (2:10)
Primitive Datatype - Null, Undefined, Void (6:16)
Primitive Datatype - "any" (1:36)
Type Annotations & Inference (2:43)
String Datatype and Escape sequence (5:08)
Unicode Values (2:33)
Template literal (3:32)
Type Aliases (2:59)
"never" Type (3:40)
Introduction to Buffers (0:52)
Numeric Systems (4:05)
Working with Buffers (2:15)
Charecter Sets - Unicode (2:01)
Array Buffers (4:17)
HTTP Server - Bun.serve()
Introduction - What is a server? (3:23)
Creating a Server using Bun.serve() (2:00)
Understanding the Request Object (1:25)
Understanding the Server Object (1:35)
Understanding Routes with req.url (2:04)
Parsing URLs - new URL() (2:21)
Sending JSON Response (1:50)
form, Query String - GET method (3:19)
POST Request With Express (1:37)
Accessing POST-ed Data with Middleware (2:24)
Bun with Express
Introduction and Installation to Express (0:58)
Creating Server with Express (1:06)
Understanding the Request (3:02)
Responding to the Request (2:43)
Response Headers & Content-Type (1:43)
Defining Routes (1:41)
Wildcard Characters in Routing (2:36)
Dealing with URL parameters (2:56)
POST Request With Express (4:32)
Accessing POST-ed Data with Middleware (2:32)
express.Router() - Better Approach for Routes (4:29)
POSTMAN - Introduction _ Installation (1:57)
Making Request Using POSTMAN (1:37)
PUT, PATCH, DELETE Request (3:01)
res.sendFile() _ Bun meta.dir - Serving HTML Files (4:09)
Serving static files with express (3:32)
Introducing Elysia (1:43)
Project Creation (3:03)
Understanding the Context Object (1:22)
Responding to the Client (1:07)
Configuring Routes (2:38)
The “.all()” Route Handler (2:42)
Working with URL Parameters (2:21)
Grouping Routes - group() (2:22)
Defining URL Prefix (1:23)
Modular Logic - Plugins (2:36)
Functional Callback Plugin (1:47)
Sending HTML (2:17)
Sending JSX (3:00)
Serving Static Files (3:12)
SQLite with Bun
Introduction to SQLite (1:42)
Creating the SQLite Database (3:01)
Executing SQLite Queries using run() (1:47)
Fetching Data in Various Forms from Database (2:40)
Passing Parameter in SQLite Queries (2:34)
CRUD App - SQLite + Elysia
App Creation (1:41)
Configuring the HTML and Static Plugins (2:36)
Sending the Add, Edit Pages (2:23)
Configuring the SQLite Database (3:55)
Adding Product to Database (4:14)
Rendering Products Dynamically (5:42)
Updating Product Data (3:50)
Deleting Product from Database (2:56)
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Source Code
WebSockets with Bun
Introduction To WebSockets (4:38)
Getting Started With WebSocket (7:04)
Creating Client HTML & Displaying Connected Id (4:33)
Generating a Client Id (4:33)
Disconnecting Client & Sever (2:34)
WebSocket Events (Transfer messages in real time) (5:56)
WebSocket Events (Broadcasting Messages) (2:36)
Broadcasting message to connected clients (5:25)
Event Acknowledgements (3:00)
Rendering messages inside the template (5:41)
Storing & Displaying Connected Users In Chat Page - Part 1 (6:12)
Storing & Displaying Connected Users In Chat Page - Part 2 (6:30)
Sorting The Displayed Users (5:54)
Updating the UI (4:27)
Broadcasting Rendered Message To Clients (2:20)
Source Code
The “.all()” Route Handler
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