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JavaScript - Marathon Interview Questions Series
Language Fundamentals
Difference Between Null and Undefined ? (5:31)
Function Scope Vs. Block Scope (8:40)
What is Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI) ? (6:06)
Difference between Rest and Spread operator? (10:28)
When do you get Infinity or -Infinity as output? (7:15)
When do you get NaN as output? (7:29)
Explain must know points of arrow function. (15:07)
How does a "closure" work in JavaScript ? (9:13)
How can sum(5)(6) return 11? (12:02)
Iterables and Iterators (13:00)
Generators (24:29)
Memory Management and Garbage Collection (8:02)
How do you handle errors in JavaScript code ? (10:30)
Source Code
Explain array & traversal in array. (12:33)
Add, Remove, Insert, Replace Elements in Array (12:17)
How do you perform search in an array ? (11:47)
What is the use of map() method ? (8:45)
How to flatten 2D array ? (12:57)
How can you sort an array ? (11:20)
Explain Array Destructuring ? (8:50)
Source Code
String Basics - [UTF -16] - \u - Unicode (8:50)
ES6 Template Literal (String) (5:23)
“.length” Property and Search Methods (6:06)
Extraction methods (12:22)
Case Conversion & replace() Method (7:18)
Date & Time
Date and Time Basics (8:34)
Date Methods (7:42)
Time methods (4:13)
Source Code
What is object literal? (19:27)
What is “this” object? (6:02)
What is the purpose of call(), apply() and bind()? (8:23)
Class, Class expression & Static members (16:13)
Inheritance, Subclassing and Extending built-in class (13:26)
Destructuring Object Literal (6:16)
Source Code
Map, Set, WeakMap & WeakSet (ES6 Data structure)
Map (18:33)
Set (7:19)
WeakMap() and WeakSet() (6:22)
Source Code
DOM & Web
Difference between Document Object and Window Object (7:45)
How to handle timer based events ? (10:52)
What is event bubbling & event capturing ? (11:33)
What is event delegation ? (7:54)
How to navigate through DOM ? (19:06)
getElementBy() (11:10)
querySelector() and querySelectorAll() (4:58)
Event Basics (11:33)
MouseEvent (12:08)
Client XY Vs Page XY Vs Screen XY - Coordinates (5:45)
Keyboard Events (7:05)
Input Element Events (14:20)
oncut - oncopy- onpaste events (4:03)
Source Code
Web Components
Introduction (4:22)
Custom HTMLElement - First step of web component (7:39)
Problem without shadow DOM (2:21)
Shadow DOM to the rescue (5:11)
HTML template - Must know for web components (8:33)
Creating component template (3:15)
Dynamic Data with Custom Attributes (6:12)
Life cycle callbacks (3:32)
Changing Attribute on Event (8:57)
Deleting Component - disconnectedCallback() (5:14)
Setter method - the right approach (1:56)
The slot element (4:57)
Source Code
Asynchronous JS
What is a callback function ? (13:09)
What is a Promise ? (22:04)
Explain Promise.all() Vs. Promise.allSettled() Vs. Promise.race() ? (15:15)
Explain functionality of async/await ? (13:50)
AJAX and XMLHttpRequest(XHR) (20:21)
The "fetch" API (13:04)
Async Iterators and Generators (7:37)
Source Code
Module - Import/Export
What is Module ? (7:06)
Named Export/Import (14:24)
Default Export/Import (6:57)
Debounce & Throttle
Debouncing Vs. Throttling - The Concept (3:45)
Introduction to Debounce & Throttling (3:31)
Throttling - Implementation (7:20)
Debouncing - Implementation (6:06)
Use case - Throttling (2:45)
Use case - Debouncing (1:53)
Source Code
Debugging Techniques
Introduction to debugging & Developer Tool (8:37)
Understanding Developer tool (8:08)
Debugging Pane : Watch, Call stack & Scope (5:26)
Debugging Pane : Code Navigation (2:25)
Event Listener Breakpoints (3:30)
Conditional & Programmatic breakpoints (3:54)
What are DOM breakpoints? (4:17)
How does XHR/Fetch breakpoints work? (3:21)
Exception Breakpoints (2:30)
The "console" Object Methods (5:14)
console.time() & related methods (3:17)
Coding Exercises
Is given value an array or not? (3:05)
Remove duplicate values from Array (4:22)
Remove null,undefined,0,NaN and ‘ ’ from array? (3:06)
Finding Factorial (6:33)
Prime Number (15:18)
Vowel and Consonant - Algorithm (5:38)
Array Intersection and Union - The ES6 Way (4:51)
Fibonacci Series (6:43)
Reverse Number (8:18)
Debouncing - Implementation
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